P.O. Box 41306  -  Phoenix AZ 85080-1306
info@bmcainfo.com  -  480-467-7399

Black Mountain Community Alliance​

Our Mission

The Black Mountain Community Alliance supports community programs and participation in Block Watch and Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol.  We promote the exchange of resources and information that deters crime and secures our communities through the development of partnerships with fellow neighborhood organizations and city/county agencies and departments.

Need Help?

Have You Been A Victim Of A Crime? Are You Concerned About Your Neighborhood? Would You Like Information On How To Protect Yourself And Your Family At Home and Away From Home?  Is It Time To Revitalize An Old Block Watch Or PNP Group?
The Black Mountain Community Alliance supports our local community programs, local Block Watch groups and Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol groups. We provide them with resources and information to help deter crime.  We put Community Action Officers (CAOs) together with small groups of citizens interested in forming a Block Watch group.

What We Do

COMMUNITY MEETINGS @ Deer Valley Community Center   -  2001 W Wahalla Lane  -  Phoenix, AZ 85027  -   6:30 pm to 8:30 pm  -  ALWAYS THE 2ND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH

The BMCA partners with the Black Mountain Police Precinct and holds Community Meetings in the Deer Valley Community Center Multi-purpose Room on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm (except July, August and November). Deer Valley Community Center is located at 2001 W. Wahalla Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85027. The meeting includes a Precinct Update from the Commander, Block Watch and Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol information, a breakout period to meet with Community Action Officers, Presentations on Crime Prevention and the distribution of free Crime Prevention Materials and Items. All are welcome including Block Watch and Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol groups. Refreshments are served.


We are available to the general public for PERSONAL ID KITS on the 4th Thursday of January, February, March, April, May, August, September and October each year from 5:30 – 8:30 pm at the Deer Valley Park Community Center, 2001 West Wahalla Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85027.

The Black Mountain Community Alliance Board Members are all trained in the use of the EZ Child I.D. System. We provide you with a Kit that includes a PERSONAL ID, digital fingerprints, ID photos, a video and age appropriate crime prevention information. We provide this service for FREE for children, teens, adults and seniors.

If you have an event scheduled that you would like Black Mountain Community Alliance to provide this FREE service, please contact us at: info@bmcainfo.com   Please give us about two months lead time as we are all volunteers and need to coordinate schedules.

G.A.I.N. (Getting Arizona Involved in Neighborhoods)

G.A.I.N. (Getting Arizona Involved in Neighborhoods) is a day for Arizona to join forces and promote awareness, safety and neighborhood unity. G.A.I.N. showcases the importance of police-community partnerships and citizen involvement in our fight for a safer Arizona. On G.A.I.N. day (third Saturday in October), we invite neighborhoods to come together and make their community a safer, better place to live. Black Mountain Community Alliance provides a G.A.I.N. bag full of crime prevention items to give away at your local G.A.I.N. event as well as educational brochures and information to hand out to your neighborhood.

After Dark In The Park

Black Mountain Community Alliance partners with Deer Valley Community Center and Deer Valley Park Neighborhood Block Watch Organization to help sponsor fun activities for the kids during the Deer Valley Park's 4th of July Celebration. After Dark In The Park is held on the last Saturday in June before the 4th of July. There is fun for all ages with Bouncy Houses, free toys, free coloring books and games prior to the 20 minute fireworks display around 8:30 pm.